Hacking Autorun.inf Virus Attack


When i  studied second year computer engg. my friend told that autorun.inf is virus.  I thought so.  Because my antivirus blocks autorun.inf files.   In third year when i search about autorun.inf file in net, i realize about the auto run file.

 Today i bring some files from my college system.  When i insert the pen drive in my system, there are lot of exe files.They are viruses.  I delete all of them.  Finally i opened the autorun.inf file in notepad and saw the instructions.  Then only i remembered that i forget to post about autorun file.  This article will give you complete details about the autorun.inf file.
This is the instructions that saved in the infected(call virus programs) autorun.inf file:


is autorun.inf virus file?  no.  Then why antivirus block the autorun.inf files?  Go ahead to know the full details about auto run file.

Introduction to Autorun.inf File:
Auto run is file that triggers other programs,documents ,other files to be opened when the cd or pen drives are inserted.  Simpy triggers.

When cd or pen drives are inserted, windows will search for the autorun.inf file and follow the instructions of autorun.inf file(instructions have written inside the autorun.inf file). 

How to create Autorun file?
Open notepad
type this command:


save the file as “autorun.inf” (select all files, not text )

Complete Syntax and instructions inside the Autorun file:
Basic syntax must be inside  the autorun.inf file is :


This will be used to identify the the file as autorun.

This will specify which application should be opened when the cd or pen drive is opened



This will launch the virus.exe file when cd or pen drive is opened.  The file should be in root directory.
if the file is in any other sub directories ,then we have to specify it.


Nothing big difference. if you right click and select explore option in cd or pen drive.  This command will be run.

Same as the above , but it will launch the the program when auto played.


The SHELL\VERB command adds a custom command to the drive’s shortcut menu. This custom command can for example be used to launch an application on the CD/DVD.



Use a series of shell commands to specify one or more entries in the pop-up menu that appears when the user right-clicks on the CD icon. (The shell entries supplement the open command.)

Change the icon of your pen drive or cd.  you can use .ico,.bmp images(also .exe,.dll)




Specifies a text label to displayed for this CD in Explorer
Note that using the LABEL option can lead to problems displaying the selected ICON under Windows XP.



Why Antivirus Block Autorun.inf file?
From above ,you come to know that autorun.inf file is not virus.  But why antivirus blocks it?  Because as i told autorun file call or launch any application or exe files.  It will lead to virus attack.  If the autorun.inf is blocked,then there is no way to launch the virus code. 

Autorun is not virus but it can call virus files.

Havij-Automatic SQL Injection Process

Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page.
It can take advantage of a vulnerable web application. By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system.
The power of Havij that makes it different from similar tools is its injection methods. The success rate is more than 95% at injectiong vulnerable targets using Havij.
The user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) of Havij and automated settings and detections makes it easy to use for everyone even amateur users.

What’s New?

  • Sybase (ASE) database added.
  • Sybase (ASE) Blind database added.
  • Time based method for MsSQL added.
  • Time based method for MySQL added.
  • mod_security bypass added.
  • Pause button added.
  • Basic authentication added
  • Digest authentication added.
  • Post Data field added
  • bugs related with dot character in database name fixed
  • syntax over writing when defined by user in blind injections fixed.
  • mssql database detection from error when using JDBC driver corrected.
  • time out bug in md5 cracker fixed.
  • default value bug fixed
  • string encode bug fixed in PostgreSQL
  • injecting URL rewrite pages added.
  • injecting into any part of http request like Cookie, User-Agent, Referer, etc made available
  • a bug in finding string column fixed. (specially for MySQL)
  • Finding columns count in mysql when input value is non effective added.
  • window resize bug in custom DPI setting fixed.
  • some bugs in finding row count fixed.
  • getting database name in mssql error based when injection type is guessed integer but it’s string fixed.

Free version Commercial version
1. Supported Databases with injection methods:
          MsSQL 2000/2005 with error
          MsSQL 2000/2005 no error union based
          MsSQL Blind
          MySQL time based
          MySQL union based
          MySQL Blind
          MySQL error based
          MySQL time based
          Oracle union based
          Oracle error based
          PostgreSQL union based
          MsAccess union based
          MsAccess Blind
          Sybase (ASE)
          Sybase (ASE) Blind
2. HTTPS Support
3. Proxy support
4. Automatic database detection
5. Automatic type detection (string or integer)
6. Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
7. Trying different injection syntaxes
8. Options for replacing space by /**/,+,… against IDS or filters
9. Avoid using strings (magic_quotes similar filters bypass)
10. Manual injection syntax support
11. Manual queries with result
12. Bypassing illegal union
13. Full customizable http headers (like referer,user agent and …)
14. Load cookie from site for authentication
15. Http Basic and Digest authentication
16. Injecting URL rewrite pages
17. Bypassing mod_security web application firewall and similar firewalls
18. Real time result
19. Guessing tables and columns in mysql<5 (also in blind) and MsAccess
20. Fast getting tables and columns for mysql
21. Executing SQL query in Oracle database
22. Getting one row in one request (all in one request)
23. Dumping data into file
24. Saving data as XML format
25. View every injection request sent by program
26. Enabling xp_cmdshell and remote desktop
27. Multi thread Admin page finder
28. Multi thread Online MD5 cracker
29. Getting DBMS Informations
30. Getting tables, columns and data
31. Command executation (mssql only)
32. Reading system files (mysql only)
33. insert/update/delete data

This tool is for exploiting SQL Injection bugs in web application.
For using this tool you should know a little about SQL Injections.
Enter target url and select http method then click Analyze.
Note: Try to url be valid input that returns a normal page not a 404 or error page.



How To Track Someone’s IP Address Using E-mail

 In my old posts( Track IP using image ), i have explained how to track IP address. Today also i am going to explain you advanced method. By using method you can get the IP address,location, timing of victim. 

How to track IP address?

step 1:
know what is your victim email id.
For eg:
step 2:
Register an account here: http://www.readnotify.com

step 3:
send mail to victim using your readnotify.com mail account. Before sending mail append “.readnotify.com” at end of victim mail ID. 
For eg:

step 4:
if victim opens the mail, his info will be tracked(IP address) and mailed to your account.

Get Someones IP Address Using Image In Forum

Ip logging hacking

Hi friends  This article will explain “how to get ip address using the external image?”

Step 1:
First of all find a free web host service.
Here is the list of free web hosting service:
Get registered in any of free web hosting service.

Step 2:
make a new directory( i hope that you know how to create directory).
you can give any name to the directory.
Lets take as “Image”.

your directory link is  http://www.yoursite.com/Image/

Step 3:
Create a file named as “.htaccess” (don’t forget the dot operator).
Edit the .htaccess file and paste this code into the file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^image.gif$ iplogger.php

Here you should consider two files, namely image.gif,iplogger.php(You can name it anything. as a n00b,lets try as it is).


Name your image file as “image.gif” and upload it to our directory.
I mean upload the image.gif file to Image directory.

a php file which has the ip logging code inside.

Step 4:

Open Notepad++ or Notepad
paste this code.

$log = ‘logger.html’;
$page = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
$refer = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’];
$date_time = date(“l j F Y  g:ia”, time() – date(“Z”)) ;
$fp = fopen(“logger.html”, “a”);
fputs($fp, “
IP: $ip
Page: $page
Refer: $refer


flock($fp, 3);

save the file as “iplogger.php” 

Create a empty html file ,name it as “logger.html”.

Upload the two files to our directory,namely “Image” directory.

Step 5:

Go to a forum or wherever you would like

insert the image using the following BB code:


You can insert this in:

– Pm`s
– Posts & Threads
– Signatures
– Avatars
-And anything else that allows external linking of images.

If you would like to insert your image using HTML where is allowed then use this code:

Step 6:

Check your:


For all your IP logs including where they came from.

if you want to know how it is working , you can refer this link:

How To Log IP Of Victim Using Web Page

Today we are going to create our own website or webpage to track victim IP address.  I have written this PHP code for you.

Let me explain in two different methods 
Method 1:
Log ip and redirect to some other interesting webpage(like “cute kittens pictures” page) or trusted page (like “facebook” page).

Method 2:
Log the ip and remains in same page( without redirection). I think “you won’t select this method.

In this post , i will explain the method 1.


  • Any free hosting site and basic knowledge about file uploading to hosting.
  • url shortening sites account like co.cc,co.nr[optional]

Method 1-IP log php code: 

Step 1:
Create account in any free web hosting service. 

Step 2:
Open notepad++ or notepad (if you have notepadd++, it will better to edit).
Paste the following code:


fwrite($f,“IP Address:”.$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’].”\n”);
fwrite($f,“User Agemt:”.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’].”\n”);
fwrite($f,“Host Name:”.php_uname(‘n’).”\n”);
fwrite($f,“Operating System:”.php_uname(‘v’).”(“.php_uname(‘s’).”)”.“\n”);
//provided by BreakTheSecurity.com


and save it as index.php 

Code Explanation:
If you don’t want to know how it is logging the IP, you can skip to the step 3.

header(“Location:index1.php”); this will redirect to index1.php page.
 You can specify any other location instead.  For example, if you want to redirect to http://www.interestingwebsite.com ,then change the code as
header(“Location: http://www.interestingwebsite.com&#8221;);
header(“Location: http://www.interestingwebsite.com/post.php&#8221;);
$f=fopen($file,‘a’);  opens the file iplog.txt in append mode( add the contents at the end of file)and store the pointer in variable f.

fwrite($f,string) will write the string into the file(iplog.txt) for example, if the string is “hello”, it will be stored inside iplog.txt file.

so fwrite($f,“————————-“.”\n”); will insert ———– inside the iplog.txt

fwrite($f,“IP Address:”.$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’].”\n”);
here $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] is build function ,returns IP address(if you run locally in your pc using wamp/xampp, it will return So after ———- lines, the “Ip address:” will be append.

Now the iplog.txt file contains:

IP Address:

$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] returns the current user agent used by victim.  It will contains information about the browser details(mozilla 3.6,ie),operating system(xp,linux).

php_uname(‘n’) returns the Host name .  Now the iplog.txt contains

IP Address:
User Agent: Mozilla (linux) (ubuntu 11.10) Mozilla3.6
HostName: xxxx.limestonenetwork.com

fclose($f); will close the opened file.

Step 3:
Open notepad and save the file as “iplog.txt”

Step 4:
again open the notepad and create your own php or html page. It should be some interesting contents(download any website templates,rename the index.html file to index1.html).
Example 1(html):

save the file as index1.html.
Example 2(php):


 save the file as index1.php

Step 5:
Now you have 3 files namely index.php,index1.php,iplog.txt.
Upload these files to your hosting.

set iplog.txt permisson to read and write by global.

Set file permission for iplog.txt

Step 4:
Check whether it is working or not by visiting the your hosting sub domain account.
For example:
if you enter the url, it will redirect from index.php to index1.php.
Now open the iplog.txt.  There you can see the logged information.

Step 5:
Send to your friend or victim with attractive mail content and title. At the end, ask him to visit the link to know more about the info. Thanx For Reading Keep Reading On my Blog.

How To Hack Using Remote System Administration

Today let us start our article with conversation.

What is RATs (Remote Administration Tools)?

N00b: Hello hackedweb, i heard a new Keyword RATs in hacking world? what is it? I know only about this rats.

hackedweb:  RATs are known as Remote Administration Tools. I hope you understand what it does from the name itself.

N00b: So it is used for hacking remote pc right?

hackedweb: Yes it is used for hacking into victim computers remotely. Using RATs you can get control over the remote PCs.

N00b: ok. Can you explain more about the use of RATs?

hackedweb: yes Sure. Here it is

Use of RATs(Remote Administration Tools)

You are able to install any malicious software(keyloggers…)
Able to monitor the Chat windows
Turn off the system remotely
You can disable antivirus/registry/restore point
Stealing the passwords and License key of their software.
Able to access Control panel
You can add or remove any programs
Show Fake Error messages to victim
Control Printers
Format the Entire Hard drive.
Open FTP(File Transfer Protocl) and transfer files
Control Internet Browser
more fun…

N00b: Thank you BreakTheSec. How to do that?

How to work with RATs ?
Step 1: 

First of all you have to download Remote Administration Software and install in your system.

Step 2:
Then you have to create a server using the RAT software. Here , server is our trojan that is going to bring control over the victims system.

Step 3: 
Bind the server with any files(JPEG,doc,txt…). You can bind this using some binder. Most of RATs provides Binding option also.

Step 4:
Send this file to Victim. Once the victim open the file, the server will start to run. It will disable Antivirus, registry,…depending on your configuration.

Step 5:
Find the IP address of the Victim(there is different methods to find IP address, read my previous articles). Once you got the IP address, using your Remote Administration Tool, you can connect to the Remote System.

Now World is under your control.

Noob: wow. hey BreakTheSec I have heard some where about Reverse connection in RATs. what is that?

Connections in RATs
Direct Connection:
In Direct connection, Our system(Remote administration tool installed) is client and the victim system act as server. Our system connects to the Remote System and take control over the system. You have to find the IP address of Victim and connects to the system. Some high secure Firewalls will block the Connecting to the system on Open ports.

Reverse Connection:

Reverse connections is for bypass the Firewall Restrictions on Open ports. Firewall Restrict the Open ports but not the outgoing traffics.
In a Direct connection, client connects with Server using the Open port of Server.
In reverse connection, client open the ports and server connects to the open port.

I think you confused little bit , right? In simple words,
Victim computer connects automatically to our computer in reverse connection (in Direct connection, we have to connect to victim system using their IP address).

got it?

Advantages of Reverse Connection:

  • You don’t need to know what is victim IP address(because it is connecting to our system).
  • Bypassing the Firewall Restrictions

Here is the List of Popular RAT Softwares:
Popular Remote Administration Softwares List

  1. Back Orifice
  2. Bifrost[9]
  3. Bandook RAT
  4. Cerberus RAT
  5. Poison Ivy
  6. Darkcomet-RAT
  7. Sub Seven (Sub7)
  8. TeamViewer
  9. NetCAR
  10. Netop Remote Control
  11. Netop OnDemand
  12. Netop Mobile & Embedded
  13. Y3k RAT[11]
  14. Optix Pro
  15. LANfiltrator
  16. ProRat
  17. Turkojan
  18. Nuclear Rat
  19. Shark Rat
  20. Lost door
  21. DarkComet-RAT
  22. CyberGate

N00b: Can i get traced by victim?
hackedweb: No.  A system gets over 300 connections.  It is hard to trace you.

This is just for educational purpose only. Using RAT to control unauthorized system is completely a crime. So Please don’t try to do. (Discussing or Reading about thief technique is not crime but implementing)

Hack Accounts Using Doxing Full Tutorial

Use of Doxing:

  • Hackers can track Innocent peoples data and hack their accounts.
  • Security Experts can trace the Hackers(can trace some innocent hackers only,N00bs). This will be helpful for solving Cyber Crime cases.

Definiton of Doxing:

Doxing is derived from Document Tracing. Doxing is tracing the information from internet resources about particular person.

Usually internet users left their information(like gender,name,city,..) in some websites(like social network,..).  So using some searching Techniques, we can gather complete data about a person.  This type of searching(tracing) is known as Doxing. This data can be used to hack their account or trace them.

What you can find using Doxing?
  • Real Name, age,gender
  • Email id, registered websites
  • Social Network Page(facebook,twitter links)
  • Address, Phone Number
  • Parent’s Names and their Jobs
  • Place of Education (School/University etc.)
  • Relatives
  • and more data
From where you are going to start?

Yes, if you know person real name, then start from his name.  If you know the username then start from there. or if you know any other data, start from there  Using name or username , search for other information in google.

How to do Doxing? 
Just assume you want to gather information about one of forum member.  Let us assume his username is peter.  If you search in google as “peter” , you will get thousands results about peter. So what you are going to  do?

You have to some other information about peter in that forum itself.  For example , You got his birthday.  Now you can continue your searching with “peter xx/xx/xxx”.  This will reduce the resutls.

Not only birthday, you can use some other info like signature.  For example if he put signature in forum as “Dare Devil”.  You can continue searching using “Peter Dare Devil”.  This will reduce the Results.

Sometime your target person registered in multiple forums, websites,social networks… So while searching ,you will get result of registered website of him using that username or info.

Read Each posts of target person, he might left some more information about him any one of forums or websites.

Using Email Address for Tracing:
If you got the email address of target person, it is much easier to trace the person. You can search using in the following sites. you may get some data.

Websites that will be useful for Doxing:


You can find any other site related to target person and search for his data.

Doxing needs Intelligence: 
Doxing needs Intelligence and searching ability.  You have to guess where to search and what to search about person.  Depending on searching ability, you will get what you required.

Security Question:

 Hacker can get the victim’s security question answer using doxing.

For example, if your questions is “What is your pet?”, he may guess. He will search with email or username . you may left your my pet is xxx. So now you are the victim.

Dictionary Attack:
Hackers can gather information about the victim and create a dictionary file(wordlist) for a target person alone.  Using that dictionary file , he can crack your passwords.

Doxing is one of powerful hacking method.

Security Tips of Users: 
Don’t use Internet.  This is best security tip because your data can be traced by anyone.  sounds crazy?! No one like to leave the Internet.  So  i am giving some other tips for you.

  • Becareful when you give information in internet.
  • Use very Strong passwords .
  •  Don’t set Stupid security Question for account. 

Ultimate Guide For Hacking WIFI With Software

CommView is a powerful network monitor and analyzer designed for LAN administrators, security professionals, network programmers, home users…virtually anyone who wants a full picture of the traffic flowing through a PC or LAN segment. Loaded with many user-friendly features, CommView combines performance and flexibility with an ease of use unmatched in the industry. In this thread I will provide you with software download and Manual on how to do it all by yourself! This is the one and only most noob proof guide ever made! You will be able to hack any W-LAN in your range with ease and safety. The software provided is cracked and not infected anyhow.
[Image: b1486ecd9d485e6e0c1aaa85376617e8.png]
This application captures every packet on the wire to display important information such as a list of packets and network connections, vital statistics, protocol distribution charts, and so on. You can examine, save, filter, import and export captured packets, view protocol decodes down to the lowest layer with full analysis of over 70 widespread protocols. With this information, CommView can help you pinpoint network problems and troubleshoot software and hardware.
How can a network analyzer help me?
If you are a seasoned professional, you definitely know the answer. Managing a LAN, creating network-oriented software, or performing a security audit have one thing in common: You’re blind without a good network monitor. Every day, it helps you maintain efficient network data transmission, test firewalls and intrusion detection systems, or identify problems with network-based applications. And there is an important economic reason behind using a network analyzer: it costs a fraction of the price of information, time, software, and hardware that may potentially be lost or wasted by not using a network analyzer. A number of case studies describe real-world applications of CommView in business, government, and education sectors.
If you are new to networking, you’ll find CommView extremely useful for understanding how the Internet and your LAN work. Being a network analyzer (also commonly referred to as a packet analyzer, network monitor, or packet sniffer), it captures and decodes network traffic and makes sense of it, allowing you to see what, where, and how information leaves and enters your computer — which is critically important for a secure Internet experience. The Online Tutorial is an excellent resource for learning about the many exciting features CommView offers.

What you can do with CommView:
* View detailed IP connections statistics: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
* Reconstruct TCP sessions.
* Map packets to the application that is sending or receiving them.
* View protocols distribution, bandwidth utilization, and network nodes charts and tables.
* Generate traffic reports in real time.
* Browse captured and decoded packets in real time.
* Search for strings or hex data in captured packet contents.
* Import and export packets in Sniffer®, EtherPeek™, AiroPeek™, Observer®, NetMon, and Tcpdump formats, export packets in hex and text formats.
* Configure alarms that can notify you about important events, such as suspicious packets, high bandwidth utilization, unknown addresses, etc.
* Create your own plug-ins for decoding any protocol.
* Exchange data with your application over TCP/IP.
* Export any IP address to SmartWhois for quick, easy IP lookup.
* Capture loopback traffic (a new, unique feature in version 4.1).
Commview Download:
http://www.mediafire.com/?j2vntwidnmk <—Install it and crack it as any other application.
Wireless Hacking Plug in + Manual Download:
http://www.mediafire.com/?j2uuymzw3mt <— Run the application and read the manual to help you with process

How To Decrypt Passwords

How to decrypt passwords Tutorial

Probably if you’re looking at this tutorial is because you don’t know how to decrypt passwords to download keylogger, rats, etc.
Okay my intentions of doing this tutorial are for noobs that doesn’t know how to decrypt passwords and they keep posting how I can decrypt the password.
First there are many ways that the people crypt password, examples:
U-ASCII Encode, T-ASCII Encode, F-ASCII Encode, AER-256 Encrypt, ARMON-64 Encrypt, ATOM-128 Encrypt, BASE-64 Encrypt, ESAB-46 Encrypt, EZIP-64 Encrypt, FERON-74 Encrypt, GILA7 Encrypt, HAZZ-15 Encrypt, MEGAN-35 Encrypt, OKTO3 Encrypt, TIGO-3FX Encrypt, TRIPO-5 Encrypt, ZARA-128 Encrypt, ZONG22 Encrypt.
All these types of encryptions are found at crypo.com
Now let’s say the password is:
And he says encrypted method [TRIPO-5 -> ATOM-128 -> BASE-64].
You need to copy the password as exactly as it is, cause if you miss a letter or number it won’t be the same password, and start decrypting it from backwards since it was encrypted this way [TRIPO-5 -> ATOM-128 -> BASE-64] you need to decrypt it this way [BASE-64->ATOM-128->TRIPO-5]. The result should be Tutorial , if it wasn’t Tutorial you made an error and try again following the steps I told you. If he says decryption method is [TRIPO-5 -> ATOM-128 -> BASE-64] you just decrypt it like it says.
When people say in their encryption method HEX you need to decrypt it with HEX TO ASCII an example:
The password is:
Encryption method was [HEX -> BASE-64] you need to decrypt it this way [BASE-64 -> HEX TO ASCII ], The result should be Tutorial, if it wasn’t Tutorial you made an error and try again following the steps I told you. HEX TO ASCII decrypting method can be found Click Here
There are other ways of encryptions such as Backwards also called Reverser/(ed), this is found two at crypo.com, lets say another example:
The password is:
Encryption method was [BACKWARDS -> FERON-74] you need to decrypt it this way [FERON-74 -> BACKWARDS ], The result should be Tutorial, if it wasn’t Tutorial you made an error and try again following the steps I told you.
I’ve seen people that have also tried to confuse people by adding to the encryption method NORMAL TEXT, in this case you don’t need to do anything an example:
The password is:
Encryption method was [NORMAL TEXT -> BACKWARDS -> FERON-74] you need to decrypt it this way [FERON-74 -> BACKWARDS] only, they add NORMAL TEXT to confuse noobs but really you just skip that way. The result should be Tutorial, if it wasn’t Tutorial you made an error and try again following the steps I told you.
A lot of people are asking what to do for binary look here:
For binary you just decrypt it Binary to ACSII and for Hex you decrypt it Hex to ASCII too, in example:
30 31 30 31 30 31 30 30 20 30 31 31 31 30 31 30 31 20 30 31 31 31 30 31 30 30 20 30 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 20 30 31 31 31 30 30 31 30 20 30 31 31 30 31 30 30 31 20 30 31 31 30 30 30 30 31 20 30 31 31 30 31 31 30 30
Encryped method:[ Binary -> Hex ]
To decrypt copy the code and then at Yellowpipe.com you select first the option Hex to ACSII then you copy the result, and then select the option Binary to ASCII,
The answer should be Tutorial if it’s not try again.
All these method of encryptions are found at: CRYPO.COM
Other encryptions methods can be found at: YELLOWPIPE.COM.
After you have learned out of this tutorial how to decrypt a password you should know NEVER scan Rat’s, Keylogger’s, etc. At Virustotal only scan them at Novirusthanks.org and don’t forget to check the Do Not Distribute box.
♥♥Thank you♥♥
For any suggestions or opinions about my tutorial leave a reply, Always say thanks tho.
If you couldn’t decrypt your password I can decrypt it and hashes too for only 1$ only paypal.

How To Create a Perfect Password

Preventing your cell phone from being tracked and your computer from being monitored is as fundamental as breathing in this day and age. Here’s what you can do to create a password that would be a nightmare for any hacker vying to chop it open…

1. Make it complex

A complex password is one that is significantly long in characters (8 or more) and is alphanumeric in nature, with the usage of symbols as well. The longer the password is, the more time it will take for the hacker to crack it. The same goes for the more characters you use. Try to use as much length and width of your keyboard by using as diversified keys as possible. A nonsensical hotchpotch of a wide array of keys is the ideal password.

2. Add variation

Having the same password for all, or most, of your accounts – which is an incredibly common practice – is strictly unadvisable. While we are opting for convenience and ease, having the same password across the board also connotes that if one of them snaps, all of your accounts go out of the ballpark.

3. Regularly change the passwords

Now that you’ve created a complex blend of keys, and have varied it around to ensure its safety, the next step is to keep changing your passwords after regular intervals of time. Changing your passwords after every fortnight to a month, you could further shield your account from a hacking menace.

4. Use a password strength testing tool

A password strength testing tool tells you where your password lies on the safety gauge. It could range from being ‘weak’ to ‘best’ with ‘medium’ and ‘strong’ in between the two extremes. And of course it goes without saying the longer your password and the more diverse it is, the further up the safety scale it would be too.

5. Use a passphrase

Using a phrase instead of words can also help you elongate the password. It would be easy to memorize as well. What you can also do is add a word at the start of the phrase to differentiate different phrases for different platforms. Like for instance your Facebook password can have ‘face’ at the start of the phrase, hotmail account can have ‘hot’ and so on and so forth.

6. Don’t use personal information

Whether you’re using phrases or random words, never use information that is commonly known; like for example your name, your cell phone number, your favorite sports team or even your pet’s name. Trying those words or numbers would be the first course of action for any potential hacker which is why it is extremely important for you to steer clear of your personal information while coming up with a password.

7. Avoid using real words

As mentioned earlier, a hotchpotch of random characters is a million times stronger password than one that uses real words. A random array of keys is more difficult to crack open for the simple reason that deciphering haphazard keys would increase the hacking odds than figuring out a password that has real words in it.

8. Memorize the password; avoid writing it down

Of course, the downside of a complex password is memorizing it. But if what you’re getting in return is cell phone, computer and your accounts’ security, overexerting your little grey cells is definitely worth it. While you’re trying to memorize the password it is common practice to write the password on a paper. Avoid doing that. You never know who might be able to get access to that paper especially if you forget to destroy it.
Take these steps to ensure that your passwords have enough steel to ward off probing intentions and ascertain that your cell phone is not tracked and your computer is safe from monitoring. It’s about time you realize – if you haven’t already – that the door between your security and multi-pronged setbacks is your password. Make sure it’s made of strong construction material and is always bolted.
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